Antonio pigafetta primer viaje alrededor del globo titulo original. Il resoconto del viaggio, redatto a partire da tale diario. He joined the expedition to the spice islands led by explorer ferdinand magellan under the flag of king charles i of spain and, after magellans death in the philippines, the subsequent voyage around the world. This page is automatically generated based on what facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic.
Antonio pigafetta primer viaje alrededor del globo. Antonio pigafetta, richard hakluyt y the world encompassed. Nacque tra il 1480 e il 1491 a vicenza, forse da nobile famiglia. Peregrinatio, pecado, sexualidade e mentalidade mercantil. The first voyage round the world, by magellan by pigafetta, antonio, ca. Iec standard consumer audiovideo equipment digital interface part 1.
Download the ebook relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo antonio pigafetta in pdf or epub format and read it directly on your mobile phone, computer or any device. The publications of the hakluyt society founded in 1846 made available edited and sometimes translated early accounts of exploration. Stanley, henry edward john stanley, baron, 18271903. Sin embargo, una descripcion del viaje escrita por pigafetta entre 1522 y. Dampier guillermo, nuevo v i a j e a l r e d e d o r d e l mundo, 1697. First voyage round the world by magellan by antonio pigafetta. Download relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo. Primer viaje en torno del globo antonio pigafetta comprar. Primer viaje en torno del globo del autor antonio pigafetta isbn. Descargar libro primer viaje alrededor del mundo ebook del autor antonio pigafetta isbn 9788498975925 en pdf o epub completo al. However, an account of the voyage, written by pigafetta between 1522 and 1525. The first series, which ran from 1847 to 1899, consists of 100 books containing published or previously unpublished works by authors from christopher columbus to sir francis drake, and covering voyages to the new world, to china and japan, to russia and to. Pigafetta kept a detailed journal, the original of which is lost. Descargar primer viaje en torno del globo antonio pigafetta.
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